
International Training Centre of ILO at Turin

Last week I had a wonderful experience!  I participated in a full 3 days training programme organized by the International Training Centre of the ILO in collaboration with the EUROCIETT (the European Confederation of Private Employment Agencies) .  In 2000 ILO  launched a programme for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP) as a specific unit of the ITC of ILO, which is a  specialized UN (United Nations) Agency that provides training in all the policy areas in which the ILO is active.

The participants of the workshop

The course was on organizing, running and sustaining Effective Employers’ Organizations for the EU Temporary Agency Work.

Jeanne Schmitt was the project coordinator and together with Barbara Maino (project assistant),  Alan Wild (expert on Employers’ Organizations), Tristan d’Avezac (consultant on Employers’ Organizations),  Denis Pennel (General Manager of  EUROCIETT), Stephanie Fraser (South Africa EO expert)  and Martin Padulla (South America EO expert) provided an excellent 3 days seminar  in Turin (Italy).

Actually, this  seminar in  Turin was the first of a series of workshops, conferences and e-learning activities which will be realized through out 2010 and will end April 2011, in order to facilitate Employers’ Organizations of   Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, F.Y.R.O.M. and Turkey.

The ultimate  goal of these trainings is to create and facilitate working conditions that are safe and flexible for all market participants, that foster social dialogue  and respect all the rights of human beings at work, that fight unemployment and eliminate undeclared work.

I am glad and proud that the next workshop will be organized in Athens (next June) and will be organized by the Greek Association of Temporary Employment and Recruitment Companies (ENEPASE).   Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Greece will convene for 3 days in order to discuss progress since the initial Turin seminar and try to initiate social dialogue with local trade unions.

Excellent initiative, excellent organization, excellent example of using EU funds in a rational way!